Overall Swim Swim Bike+Transition Bike Run Run Overall
Place Time Place Time Place Time Place Time
Min:Sec Min:Sec Min:Sec Hr:Min:Sec
150 9:26 200 39:55 157 26:01 157 1:15:22
There was a total of 442 participants in the race. I was so excited to do as well as I did. According to my results of the last sprint tri I did, I should have finished the race around 1 hour 17 minutes. I had a friend do this race the year before and he did it in 1 hour 15 min and 48 sec. So, being me, I had to beat his time. So I set a goal for 1 hour 15 minutes. I was surprised to see how close I got.
My biggest fear was the swim. I knew that would be my slow part since the pool I was training at closed three weeks before the race. Here I am getting ready to start and swimming. The water was heated and felt nice to get in after standing in line forever.
The bike time may look slow but the time included both my transition times, which are really slow. I need to work on transitioning fast a lot more. Here I am coming in from the 10 mile bike ride. The guy in front of me is the only person who past me on the bike and he passed me right at the very end where it is only single file and I could not pass him again.
My run was below and 8.5 min/mile which I was surprised by since I never ran that fast during trianing. Maybe it was the energy gels.
I had previously posted about those before and how much I loved a certain kind. Well the night before the race I realized that I was out of gels. I tried to run to REI to get more but by the time I got there it was closed. So I ended up a Sports Authority. Let me say for a sport store I am disipointed in how small a selection they have. I ended up getting GU's Strawberry Banana. I had never tried that before but it looked the best to choose from. I planned to take a gel at each transistion which I did and it helped a million. The Strawberry Banana was actually pretty good. I got lucky. It is always a bad idea to try something new on race day, but luckly this time it worked.
Here I am with my brother at the finish line. My brothers work sponsered me in the race and I owe a big thank you to them for doing so.
And last of all here is me with my motivation and support crew. She was waiting at the finish line cheering me on to completion. Just seeing her here how can you not love her. I am proud to be her father and am greatful to be doing all of this for her.